Hey, I’m romgrk, I am a software engineer. I code in Typescript, C/C++ and Rust. I pretend to know Haskell but I really don’t. I run on Linux and neovim. I’m interested in electronics, OS programming, programming languages, functional programming, UI/UX and design. I don’t have a tribe, I fit in all 3 of them.
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Suppose there is someone who lives very mindfully, dwelling in concentration. She comes home, goes out, stands, sits, speaks, chops vegetables, washes pots, carries out all the activities of daily life in mindfulness and concentration. In all her actions of body, speech, and mind, she shines light of mindfulness. When other encounter her they are able to get in touch with that mindfulness, and they are influenced by it. Touched by the light of her mindfulness, the seed of mindfulness in their own consciousness begins to sprout, and naturally they also begin to cultivate mindfulness in their activities as she does.
― Thich Nhat Hanh